


Acupuncture utilizes specific points on the body with the main goal to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself. Acupuncture works through the nervous and musculoskeletal system. Through numerous clinical trials, acupuncture has proven to bind to the same pain receptors as opioids, which is how acupuncture relieves pain. Caroline uses specific points on muscles that are innervated by nerve bundles to release the muscle and alleviate pain. Acupuncture also balances the sympathetic nervous system by activating the body's parasympathetic system- which is responsible for stress and anxiety relief, hormone balance, and good quality sleep. With the proper Chinese-pattern diagnosis, there is nothing acupuncture cannot help.


Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is an extremely necessary and effective aspect of Chinese medicine. Caroline has knowledge of over 400 herbs and studied them extensively during her doctorate and masters degree. Because all patients are different, each formula is individualized for the patient's presentation and goal of health. Herbs only work if you take them!

If you're interested in custom herbal blends for women's health and overall wellness, visit her online herb shop by clicking here.

Myofascial Release or Fire Cupping

Did you watch Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps in the 2016 Rio games? He had what looked like circular bruises on his back and shoulders that caused many to wonder what exactly he had been doing. Phelps is just another athlete who has turned to Chinese cupping to help his muscles recuperate faster by creating vasodialation and bringing more vascular supply to his muscles. By creating a suction at the top of the skin, the top layer of fascia separates from the muscle allowing increased blood flow and nourishment. Cupping is excellent for both preventing and alleviating muscle pain, helping with peripheral neuropathy, and even getting rid of the flu or chest congestion.


Hormone Health

As we age, the circulatory system decreases blood flow to reproductive organs and primarily focuses on vital organs and muscles. Several clinical trials prove that acupuncture improves circulation to the reproductive organs, increasing blood flow and subsequently reviving your pelvic organs with oxygen and nutrients. The results are improved hormone health, menstrual cycles, fertility, and overall mood.